First of all thank you for years of support, you have given us plenty of feedback on our private document {ownCloud} server, and we have listened to you!
So we love to inform you that before the end of the year we will be migrating this ownCloud server to new hardware… better, faster, stronger, but not costing 6 million dollars! The good news is we will still be offering this service for free to all our existing and future customers of Reed Tax & Accounting and our sister organization Adult Financials Unlimited!
But you know how this whole good news/bad news thing works is during the transition the whole ownCloud system will go down for some amount of time. This could be a day, a week, or a month… we are currently doing trial runs to make the downtime and potential data loss as minimal as possible.
This is not happening today, it will likely happen between October & December of this year (2023) well after all extensions need to be filed for both business and personal returns!
Why I hear some of you ask? In short the current ownCloud server is running on outdated hardware that is not well supported anymore and there have been growing pains and a lot of ownCloud server resets that are frankly annoying to everyone involved, especially those of you out there who are not friendly with tech. WE HAVE HEARD YOU, and we absolutely understand! This migration to newer hardware will allow future updates to run a bit smoother and scaling to newer hardware in the future will be infinitely more seamless to the point we probably won’t even have to announce downtime and disruption of services in the future.
What can you expect if you are currently one of our ownCloud users? We will be sending an email in the month leading up to the ownCloud server going offline. This email will outline how to backup your data in the event that your data doesn’t make it from the old ownCloud sever to the new ownCloud server.
There is a small chance that migrating the server might be impossible and each user would have to have a new account made in the future. We are working towards NOT doing this, but we cannot stress that the age of the hardware is really that old. Fear not your data on the current ownCloud server is STILL protected, encrypted & safe! We have had ZERO breaches since we adopted the system back in 2010. Nor is this the first time you have worked with us during an upgrade of this magnitude, and we really do thank all of you for the support over the years and we just want to let you know we are here for in well into the future!